
Visit of Most Revered President Maharaj & Inaugurations of
Visit of Most Revered President Maharaj & Inaugurations of Thakur’s Bedroom, New Kitchen-cum-dining and renovated President Maharaj quarter’s at Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Sikra Kulingram. (6 th to 10th July 2024)
14.07.24 10:29 PM - Comment(s)

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Eye Check-Up Camp (Free) in Association with Hridoypur Netralaya, Kolkata 700 127

The 2nd Phase of Eye Screening has been completed for the Free Operation Camp on 17/02/2024 where 42 patients participated.

27.02.24 09:47 PM - Comment(s)
The Holy 162 Birth Anniversary of Raja Maharaj and The Annual Celebration 2024 of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Sikra Kulingram]

[SUB: A Report - The Holy 162 Birth Anniversary of Raja Maharaj and The Annual

 Celebration 2024 of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Sikra Kulingram]



The Annual Celebration of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Sikra Kulingram, and the 162nd birthday celebration of...

22.02.24 09:32 AM - Comment(s)

A free Eye Screening and Operation camp were arranged by the Ashrama on 9th and 26 December 2023. In total 84 patients were treated--among of them  10 were operated free of cost in the first phase.

26.12.23 08:31 PM - Comment(s)
Distress Relief

The Ashrama had distributed 370 Sarees to the needy mothers in the eve of Durgapuja 2023. 

By the help of Globe Vision Society, Birhati Ramakrishna Mission Sikra Kulingram distributed 210 Children's clothes in the eve of Durgapuja. 

26.12.23 08:16 PM - Comment(s)